Toe-Tally Hilarious: A Week of Weird and Wacky News in Review

Toe-Tally Hilarious: A Week of Weird and Wacky News in Review

Get ready, folks! If you thought your week was bizarre, you're about to feel a whole lot better. We've scoured the internet to bring you the weirdest and wackiest news of the week. So, buckle up, buttercups! This is a ride you won't want to miss!

Ivanka's Boot Scootin' Boogie

It seems Ivanka Trump is hopping around more than her father in the 2020 election. After posting a photo with a boot on her foot, the internet went into overdrive. From conspiracy theories of secret missions to hilarious memes about her trying to "kick-start" her political career, the digital world's imagination was truly unleashed.

Emma Stone and Margaret Qualley's Lip-Reading Rumble

Lip-reading controversies are the new black, it seems. Emma Stone and Margaret Qualley's "aggressive" exchange became the talk of the internet. But don't worry, no actresses were harmed in the making of this viral moment. It was all about one lip-reader's interpretation, which has sparked more drama than any soap opera could dream of!

The Viral Video Showdown: Trump Supporters vs. A Progressive

In a gladiatorial showdown of political ideologies, a video of 20 Trump supporters taking on a progressive went mega viral. The internet was left agog, not just at the content of the debate, but also at the sheer audacity of such a lopsided interaction. It was like watching a chess match where only one person knows the rules, and the pieces are all cheeseburgers.

Sewage Sea Foam Dive: A Stunt too Far?

In a stunning attempt at viral fame, one woman decided to dive into sewage-filled sea foam. The internet's reaction? A collective: "NOPE!" While some applauded her daring, most were left feeling queasy, proving once again that there's a fine line between brave and plain old bonkers!

Will Smith's Nap-Gate

Will Smith's "Napping Day" photo sparked quite the uproar this week. Apparently, a snooze isn't just a snooze when you're a celebrity. The internet was left debating the appropriateness of his nap partner - a female singer. The moral of the story? Even the Fresh Prince needs a siesta now and then; just maybe not on Instagram.


So, there you have it! A week of weird and wacky news that surely made your bizarre week seem a little more normal. Remember, folks - the world is a strange place, and we're all just along for the ride! So buckle up, and get ready for more hilarious headlines from around the globe. Because if there's one thing we can count on, it's that the weirdness never stops!

Key Takeaway

The most important thing to remember from this article is that this information can change how you think about Funny.


Written by Bored Monkee Team

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