These 5 Animals Are Living Their Best Lives And They're Here To Teach Us How!

These 5 Animals Are Living Their Best Lives And They're Here To Teach Us How!

Let's face it, our furry friends often seem to have life figured out better than we do. From the leisurely life of a house cat to the calculated precision of a hunting hawk, animals have a thing or two to teach us about living our best lives. So, grab your monocle and notepad, because class is in session!

The Nap-Centric Philosophy of the House Cat

Cats spend up to 16 hours a day napping. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it turns out there's a method to their snoozing madness. Cats follow a predator sleep pattern, which means they sleep a lot to conserve energy for hunting. While the 'hunting' most house cats do is limited to chasing laser pointers, they've got the right idea. Lesson Learned: Sometimes, you just need to recharge and that's okay!

The Aerial Acrobatics of the Hummingbird

These feisty flyers have got the work-life balance nailed down! Hummingbirds can flap their wings up to 200 times per second, but they also know when it's time to chill out. Despite their high-energy lifestyle, they spend up to 80% of their time perched, resting, and just enjoying the view. Lesson Learned: It's essential to find balance in our lives and take time to rest, even if we lead a fast-paced life.

The Social Butterfly, Literally

Butterflies are the life of the party in the insect world. They're known to engage in a behavior called 'mud-puddling,' where they gather in groups around wet soil to drink water and extract minerals. These social gatherings are like the butterfly version of brunch! Lesson Learned: Socializing and connecting with others is a vital part of life. Don't forget to make time for your own version of 'mud-puddling.'

The Playful Life of a Dolphin

Dolphins are known for their playful behavior, and they remind us that life isn't just about survival but also about having fun! They love surfing in waves, playing 'catch' with seaweed, and interacting with each other. This sense of play is an integral part of their social bonds and mental wellbeing. Lesson Learned: Don't forget to have fun! Life isn't all about work, so make sure to incorporate play into your routine.

The Contemplative Existence of the Gorilla

Gorillas, our close relatives, spend a lot of their time just...thinking. They're known for their incredible intelligence and often display behaviors indicating deep thought and contemplation. They remind us that it's crucial to take time out to reflect on our lives. Lesson Learned: In a world that's always on the go, it's important to take a leaf (or a banana) out of the gorilla's book and make time for reflection and thought.


So there you have it. Our animal friends have some sterling life lessons to teach us, from the importance of rest and play to the value of socializing and contemplation. We might be the 'intelligent' species, but it looks like we've got a lot to learn from the animal kingdom. So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, just ask yourself, 'What would a house cat do?'

Key Takeaway

The most important thing to remember from this article is that this information can change how you think about Animals.


Written by Bored Monkee Team

Our team of experts is passionate about bringing you the latest and most engaging content about Animals.